Published on October 7th, 2022 in Doodle God Skyscraper Puzzle Answers
0Doodle God Skyscraper Puzzle Answers
Doodle God Cheats: Doodle God Skyscraper Puzzle
It’s time to get the Doodle God cheats for the Doodle God Skyscraper puzzle! It gets unlocked after you finish Doodle God Episode 1. You have to find all the Doodle God combinations in order to obtain a skyscraper using the few Doodle God elements you receive. Remember to use CTRL + F when searching for the Doodle God answers on this page, to make sure you got all Doodle God combinations! Also read this Doodle God guide carefully, as some steps have to be repeated. Enjoy the Doodle God cheats and build your skyscraper in a minute!
Swamp = Earth + Water
NOTE: You have to repeat this step two more times to obtain three total Swamp combinations.
Bacteria = Life + Swamp
Clay = Sand + Swamp
Plankton = Bacteria + Water
Shells = Plankton + Stone
NOTE: You have to repeat this step one more time to obtain a total of two Clay combinations.
Stone and Stone = Fire + Stone + Stone
NOTE: You have to repeat this step one more time to obtain a total of two 2 Fire combinations.
Bricks = Clay + Fire
Cement = Clay + Limestone
Concrete = Cement + Water
Glass = Fire + Sand
House = Bricks + Concrete
Limestone = Shells + Stone
Skyscraper = House + Glass
Tags: doodle god doodle god puzzles Skyscraper Puzzle