Published on October 12th, 2022 in Doodle God ‘Survivor’ Quest Answers


Doodle God ‘Survivor’ Quest Answers

Doodle God Cheats: Doodle God ‘Survivor’ Quest

Now this is a hard Doodle God quest and you’d better follow carefully our Doodle God cheats if you want to make it alive out of the Doodle God Survivor Quest. With three different scenarios, you’ll need all the Doodle God elements and Doodle God combos you can get! You have full Doodle God answers right here below, with notes and explanations. Be careful to use CTRL + F to find your Doodle God cheats in alphabetical order and beat the game! Remember the first cheats for Doodle God in the order we give them to you and keep the treasure!

The Doodle God Survivor Quest has three possible endings, depending on how well you make Doodle God combos and how fast you find the necessary Doodle God elements to survive.

Ending 1 is a good ending. In order to win the Doodle God Survivor quest by Ending 1 you have to make the following Doodle God combos:
Beach and Cliffs and Forest = Human + Island
Bushes and Game and Tree = Human + Forest
Cave and Stone = Human + Cliffs
Leaves and Stick = Human + Tree
Shelter = Leaves + Stick
NOTE: The moment you create the Shelter, the Map leading to the buried treasure on the island will be automatically added to your Doodle God elements.
Spark = Stone + Stone.
Bonfire = Leaves + Spark
Smoke = Leaves + Bonfire.
Hidden Treasure = Human + Map
Compass and Gold and Spyglass = Human + Hidden Treasure
Black Sail and White Sail = Human + Spyglass
Merchants = Smoke + White Sail
Salvation = Human + Merchants
ENDING 1The merchants rescue you and you are able to keep your treasure. 

Ending 2 is a bad ending. However, you can pass the Doodle God Survivor Quest also by Ending 2 if you follow the next Doodle God combos. Keep in mind that the first Doodle God elements repeat themselves.
Beach and Cliffs and Forest = Human + Island
Bushes and Game and Tree = Human + Forest
Cave and Stone = Human + Cliffs
Leaves and Stick = Human + Tree
Shelter = Leaves + Stick
NOTE: The moment you create the Shelter, the Map leading to the buried treasure on the island will be automatically added to your Doodle God elements.
Spark = Stone + Stone.
Bonfire = Leaves + Spark
Smoke = Leaves + Bonfire.
Hidden Treasure = Human + Map
Compass and Gold and Spyglass = Human + Hidden Treasure
Black Sail and White Sail = Human + Spyglass
Pirates = Smoke + Black Sail
Torture = Gold + Pirates
ENDING 2The pirates take your treasure and abandon you on the island. 
Ending 3 is also a bad ending, actually the worst one, but you can complete the Doodle God Survivor Quest also in this manner. Just as it happened with the previous two scenarios, the first Doodle God elements and the Doodle God combos are the same… until they aren’t anymore.
Beach and Cliffs and Forest = Human + Island
Bushes and Game and Tree = Human + Forest
Cave and Stone = Human + Cliffs
Leaves and Stick = Human + Tree
Shelter = Leaves + Stick
NOTE: The moment you create the Shelter, the Map leading to the buried treasure on the island will be automatically added to your Doodle God elements.
Spark = Stone + Stone.
Bonfire = Leaves + Spark
Smoke = Leaves + Bonfire.
Hidden Treasure = Human + Map
Compass and Gold and Spyglass = Human + Hidden Treasure
Black Sail and White Sail = Human + Spyglass
Pirates = Smoke + Black Sail
Death = Human + Pirates
ENDING 3: Unfortunately, the pirates killed you.

Other Doodle God combos for completing the Doodle God Survivor Quest 

Ash and Coal and Bonfire = Bonfire + Wood

Axe = Flintstone + Stick

Berries and Leaves = Human + Bushes

Bones and Meat = Carcass + Flintstone

Bow and Fishing Rod = Rope + Stick

Bricks = Clay + Sun

Calm = Sailing Raft + Sea

Canvas = Needle and Thread + Skin

Carcass = Game + Spear

Clay = Sand + Water

Clothes = Human + Skin

Coconut and Liana = Human + Palm Tree

Fish = Sea + Spear

Flintstone = Stone + Hammer

Hammer = Stone + Stick

Hut = Shelter + Walls

Jerky = Meat + Salt

Meat and Bones = Knife + Fish

Meat and Skin = Axe + Carcass

Needle and Thread = Bones + Rope

Oysters and Palm Tree and Sand = Beach + Human

Pottery = Clay + Bonfire

Raft = Rope + Wood

Rope = Sinew + Sinew

Sail = Canvas + Stick

Sailing Raft = Raft + Sail

Salt = Sun + Water

Sinew and Meat and Skin = Carcass + Knife

Snare = Forest + Rope

Spear = Axe + Stick

Steak = Meat + Bonfire

Storm = Raft + SeaThe Knife is automatically added to your elements after completing Jerky or Steak.

Walls = Bricks + Bricks

Water = Human + Sea

Wood = Axe + Tree

Tags: doodle god doodle god quests Survivor

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